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Planes of Existence
Planes of Existence
PLEASE VIEW LARGE! Compressed version destroyed many of the details I worked on. :( (6 externals integrated, plus repair of ladder and cleanup of floor)

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annajon annajon
Very cool
mellowdesign mellowdesign
Nice idea - love the cats!
Sjitske Sjitske
Mel47 Mel47
Scrumpy Scrumpy
Nice one...really cool MM.
Tarmac Tarmac
candron candron
pollyO pollyO
seelcraft seelcraft
Good integration and color!
Eve Eve
rockyjob rockyjob
nice job chris! ;)
ReyRey ReyRey
Very Nice
stive stive
Tea Man Tea Man
supak0ma supak0ma
mike.b. mike.b.
this is just insane the cats each ones different ...very clean and twiztid image to stare at..good work
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
captainSMITTY11 captainSMITTY11
sirenka sirenka
Soze Soze
Salvezza Salvezza
Beckie_Banks Beckie_Banks
mihai_myxz mihai_myxz
bigbuck bigbuck
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Nice one Goat
mldvnioan mldvnioan
Serps Serps
Cool, nice cats
macksmax macksmax
Martrex Martrex
anabe anabe
very nicely done!
nevet nevet
mrchili mrchili
birdtoes birdtoes
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
enzofocus enzofocus
gbrmzrs gbrmzrs
really cool.. i like the use of the 2 different cats to change it up a tad ;)
Lrossa Lrossa
Heinlein Heinlein
Very, very cool, and well done. Top three for sure. Great work!
zoom zoom
pakimo pakimo
very good :-)
Wiz Wiz
"Nicely crafted and composed!"
Tesore Tesore
Tonto Tonto
kinda redundant
Dead Man Dead Man
mastermason mastermason
Granulated Granulated
fritzvondefranz fritzvondefranz


Goat1981 Goat1981
*lol* That's the idea, Tonto. :P
Goat1981 Goat1981
I was trying to portray different 'dimensions' that humans are unaware of but cats are? (maybe that's why they act so weird sometimes)....or maybe this entry just makes me weird. :-I :)
candron candron
congrats good work
Sjitske Sjitske
CHRS Kris! Nice one! ;)
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
marcoballistic marcoballistic
what, I totally did not see this entry, how tha... sorry Kris, its superb, glad it topped out
kinetic_be kinetic_be
pakimo pakimo
Congrats :-)
annajon annajon
Best in show Goat1981!!!! Good win.
Scrumpy Scrumpy
Congrats Goat... nice shirt - Ben Sherman?
anabe anabe
congratulations!! well deserved win!
Eve Eve
Congrats, Kris! This is very cool.
Heinlein Heinlein
Congrats Kris! Glad it won :)
Goat1981 Goat1981
Thanks for the comments and votes! :) Scrumpy...I don't know what kind of shirt it is. I think I got it for $10 at Lowes. :-P
Goat1981 Goat1981
not Lowes. Kohl's. :P
grats on the win!!!! i thought you said you had like 300 votes or something like that ;)
mellowdesign mellowdesign
Well done Goat!
Tesore Tesore
Congrats! Love the cats... ;-)
bigbuck bigbuck
mike.b. mike.b.
congrats favd:)
Wiz Wiz
"The only one I voted for, and it won. Well done you old Goat!" ;-) LOL!
Martrex Martrex
Congrats on the win!
TheShaman TheShaman
kris, I totally missed this. sorry bro. nice entry though. Congrats & fav'd
nat_g31 nat_g31
Kris, good job on this entry! I was in Florida at Disney world and just saw this! Good job and congrats!
Goat1981 Goat1981
No problem, Mark and Sean. :) Thanks for the kind words. :-D
Granulated Granulated
well in kris
marcoballistic marcoballistic
you must have used stealth, I open all the entries in a comp, I want serious answers, how did I miss this... I want the truth... you cant handle the truth... stop talking to ok then you leave me no choice.... really.. yes... fine then....
Claf Claf
Congrats! I missed this contest. Great idea, nice details. :)

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 Planes of Existence
by Goat1981
Created July 14, 2008
50 votes   29 comments
1000w x 750h (511KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  9
humor  0
idea  3
theme  2

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