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House of Woe...
House of Woe...
First stage repair of source here: [img]

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annajon annajon
koorio koorio
Mel47 Mel47
really like this
Wiz Wiz
Just Awesome.... A ton of stuff to look at here. The lighting and cracks perfect! fav'd
very nice marco, the repair work is great and you know I love crack!... I mean i love the cracks you made
queenofnightsky queenofnightsky
great job
Tesore Tesore
The graffiti is awesome!
ReyRey ReyRey
Cool. Fire looks fake.
saiyan saiyan
gramps gramps
You should have put the fire out. I really like the other effects.
JGJ Media JGJ Media
My favorite things are the cracks and lighting on the walls. Excellent job.
spikelmalo spikelmalo
claude edwards claude edwards
wow most impressive. Graffiti: coming to a wall near you
olvidame olvidame
DaVinci DaVinci
Wow! Good to see you chopping again Marco =)
Tommeken Tommeken
Martrex Martrex
daKimmer daKimmer
Ultra fine:)
Jake420 Jake420
Your lighting techniques and textures are always top notch and so fun to look at . Any good tutorial u would recommend ?
Sanctuary Sanctuary
pjsev pjsev
nice job, as usual! ;)
pollyO pollyO
anabe anabe
very good!
Napalm32 Napalm32
m0nk m0nk
rockyjob rockyjob
UntExp UntExp
zoleedarat zoleedarat
nat_g31 nat_g31
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
kiikerce kiikerce
TheShaman TheShaman
MamaBallistic MamaBallistic
Another quality chop.... when I grow up I want to be like you! Wait.... no, no I don't!!!
AnjaDD AnjaDD
very nice, lighting and atmosphere !
anfa anfa
Agree with Rey about the fire. Nice textures and lighting!
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Mark, you gotta talk to yer landlord about the maintenance on your flat. lol
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
cool graffiti (except "street art" text)
Claf Claf
Cool! Better without fire, big crack in the middle looks way too big... but nice details.
frost_byte frost_byte
mohua76 mohua76
Heinlein Heinlein
I am not sure about the fire though. Overall very nice :)


rockyjob rockyjob
This is probably the only image that in my opinion the under-saturation did it good.. Top notch.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
cheers Rocky
spikelmalo spikelmalo
Very cool! Damn close comp. Grats!
MamaBallistic MamaBallistic
Another week, another effing ballistic win! lol! Well done baby, know you wanted Anfa to win but default happened *:-( 8.3.1 x
anabe anabe
congrats again, Mark, outstanding work!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
thanks guys and gals, but I really did not feel this should have won. Totally expected Anfa or TJ to pull away. But thank you all the same.
Tesore Tesore
Congrats Marco ;-)
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
REIN!! Did you hear that? Marco is totally breaking the new Reinrules by criticizing his win! BAN HIM! ;) grats marco
anfa anfa
Hey, is that top right window giving me the finger? ;)
Heinlein Heinlein
Congrats again Mark :)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol @ vunt & Tony & cheers Jim
zimocarlos zimocarlos
anfa anfa
I really hated the end of this contest! Pfft!

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 House of Woe...
by marcoballistic
Created November 13, 2009
43 votes   14 comments
825w x 900h (337KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  13
humor  0
idea  2
theme  0

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