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Blade of time
Blade of time
Paint and smudge. Thanks for viewing.

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Tesore Tesore
Real cool Bogo!!!
Mir Mir
good job would have liked to see the whole face.
Tommeken Tommeken
what mir said...better 1 whole face..awsome work man
annajon annajon
what Mir and Tommeken said: make one with the whole face... much too lovely work to leave it like this
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
love it! I wish you would have done the WHOLE face though! (just an opinion)
Qnita van Straaten Qnita van Straaten
Gort Gort
nevet nevet
love the hair and beard, agree about the whole face and that line in the middle is really distracting....
Napalm32 Napalm32
one of your best
Very nice Bogo.
isyrup isyrup
good job
pollyO pollyO
seelcraft seelcraft
nat_g31 nat_g31
I like it! Nice job bogo. I like the split image because it showcases what you did. Bravo
gramps gramps
anabe anabe
excellent, agree with the others about the whole face.
Hagen Hagen
Pretty good work bogo...! Lovely execution and render...! +1
~}{~Stormy~}{~ ~}{~Stormy~}{~
Synthvet Synthvet
Michel Michel
Neat paint effect.
sonic3 sonic3
Very nice Bogo :)
Daddysharky Daddysharky
CarlC CarlC
nice one
JGJ Media JGJ Media
excellent job!!
Eve Eve
It may have been wise to list the external as a reference. I doubt it would hurt your position/votes in this comp. His beard seems a bit cut off though. Nice smudging, Bogo.
Claf Claf
Cool! :)
sirenka sirenka
bogsy bogsy
Martrex Martrex
UntExp UntExp
Govan Govan
L@rue L@rue
Very interesting approach.
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Chopper Chopper
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Nicely done
tadams tadams
Good one.
Jake420 Jake420
wow great work
impressive image.
glennhanna glennhanna
see the whole face... hahahaha... people are demanding. I like being able to compare side by side


Napalm32 Napalm32
in my favs
Claf Claf
Here's the whole face (external): [img]
Claf Claf
It is always better to show the externals... just to show well the work done. :)
Napalm32 Napalm32
Napalm32 Napalm32
but it looks good the same
bogonet bogonet
@ Claf: I didn't ever pretend it was an "all source" image. Besides, there are (i think) few artists worldwide who can draw a REALISTIC portrait from within their mind only, without using any model or reference, and I'm surely not one of them.
bogonet bogonet
So for all the skill it was given to me , I tried to transform work on a reference ,transform it, to match the source and respect some sort of idea. For the first time I tried the smudge thing. And I had to add here and there few paint to match the targe
bogonet bogonet
No filters. It took me 3-4h to finish it, I was kinda pleased with it and decided to post it. I guess you could have done it in less than an hour and surely better than me, and eventually, you would have considered being too bad to worth posting it.
bogonet bogonet
But I’m not at our level, so I took my chances. Perhaps, if I could have changed the background only from white to black, or make it a 2 frames gif it would’ve been represented to some a MORE chop than this, but let me have my opinion and disagree with t
bogonet bogonet
Cheers and thanks to all who like this image.
bogonet bogonet
**But I’m not at our level = But I’m not at YOUR level
Claf Claf
Hi bogonet! I know you didn't pretend you made an all source... no problem. I just wanted to mention that sometimes it is important to show the externals. The use you made with the external was a good example.
Claf Claf
About this chop, by the comments I red from some members, it was obvious they didn't know exactly or enough clearly what was about the work you made. It is very helping to see & know how some details were done or how the concept started.
Claf Claf
I think realistic portraits are always made from references, models or externals (for digital work). I never saw an artist drawing an hyper-realistic portrait without any help. Some are able to do great portrait illustrations but not so realistic.
Claf Claf
BTW you made good work! ... and BTW late late congrats for your little Oliver... :)
bogonet bogonet
Claf, Oliver salutes you back, of course after he has been bathed, shampooed and oiled all over, could afford to do it otherwise, he is very careful with his image and reference already, unlike his father :)
bogonet bogonet
*could = couldn't
would've liked to have seen it without the line to show the different sides of age. But to more or less have a smoother transition between the two. That'd been really cool. great idea..
Mir Mir
congratulations for the integration of both works which did involve a lot of work I'm sure and which resulted in a pleasing image. Congratulations on the win too.
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Nice one, congratulations.
Gort Gort
Congrats on the win!....and on your best achievment of all, fatherhood
supak0ma supak0ma
great stuff, sorry i forgot to vote on this contest altogether
anabe anabe
congrats on your well deserved win!
bogonet bogonet
Thank you all for your comments and votes. @Gort: bull's eye!!! ty. @Eve : my little one is to blame for leaving the beard unfinished. He was going pretty loud at that late hour, I had to intervene :) Next time i will tell him about you, to be patient :
Napalm32 Napalm32
grats Bogo. very well done
Tesore Tesore
Yep, I like the 2 faces of time! Congrats Bogo :-)
Procyon Procyon
great job!
cool10 cool10
A gr8 work!! keep it up!
daKimmer daKimmer
Congratulations--love the beard.
bogonet bogonet
Thanks guys again!

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 Blade of time
by bogonet
Created February 20, 2010
40 votes   31 comments
1280w x 960h (427KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  14
humor  0
idea  4
theme  0

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