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Pieta by Michelangelo
Pieta by Michelangelo
Source and PS Tools & lots of patience. This is how it's done, [img]

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TheShaman TheShaman
Thank you! :)
papavales papavales
BSmatic BSmatic
Well done!
Sh!Za Sh!Za
#can still not see the source. anyway good effort and nice compsition!
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Wow! This is awesome! This might be the winner! :-)
Very nice!
rockyjob rockyjob
Best in show. Good job
Ivan Roujev Ivan Roujev
I want to say a lot of things about this.. First of all, I think it's the best chop I've ever seen.. I love Michelangelo's work, I love your work here and I hope you will win (I don't know who you are).. It is in my favs when possible.. Good Luck!!
The-Masked-Layer The-Masked-Layer
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
shane.e.randall shane.e.randall
nevet nevet
anabe anabe
acire111 acire111
Very interesting,thanks for showing how it's done
anfa anfa
Tesore Tesore
bourbon bourbon
Totoy Totoy
YerPalAl YerPalAl
GhostlyJoe GhostlyJoe


TheShaman TheShaman
I dunno... I'm skeptical... Would love to see the making of this one. looks too good to be just source and PS tools. I guess you can take that as a compliment. put something in your authors notes or PM me
cringer8 cringer8
Not sure how much you made and how much is from this image: [img] If you stick pieces of source over top of an existing image, you should really show the reference...
TheShaman TheShaman
would have been nice to see the second 'this is how its done' in the first place. Had I seen Cringers reference photo before I voted...I wouldn't have thought you had drawn and did everything from scratch, not from a reference photo of a famous piece.
TheShaman TheShaman
not saying that's a 'no-no' regardless if you're just here for fun learning and challenging yourself... like Ryan said, you should reference that from the start so people don't think you did something you didn't... reprimand / slap on the wrist over
sacredbunny sacredbunny
Okey dokey :)
papavales papavales
Damn i found it brilliant but now the magic lost
ShootHerman ShootHerman
SacredBuuuuuuBuuuuBuuuuBuuuunny....LOL ;o)

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 Pieta by Michelangelo
by sacredbunny
Created August 20, 2012
20 votes   7 comments
1280w x 960h (482KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  5
humor  0
idea  1
theme  0

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