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Photoshop Contest Entry #73986
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Alex Alex
That's nice... Great lightning
anfa anfa
Nazi bastards! Quick, get the rocket launcher! ;)
OneChiefRocker OneChiefRocker
Bad! No NAZI!
Nuttdriver Nuttdriver
irgum irgum
Patre Patre
I Like this chop and believe it only reflects history as sad as that history may be-good work..
claudiolky claudiolky
A qualidade do seu trabalho está magnífica como sempre. Só que vários parentes meus foram mortos em campo de concentração durante a ocupação nazista na alemanha. Minha mãe é alemã e vários irmãos foram mortos. Nunca tive intenção de te ofender. Você terá meu voto pela qualidade de trabalho. Não me entenda mal. Sei que vc nunca teve como intensão ofender o povo judeu. Desculpe o inconveniente. abs
presunto presunto
muito bom Arcaico
hellraiser hellraiser
spencej1129 spencej1129
doesnt look like a German Focke-Wulf Fw 61... hmmm.
Kasorazbiva4a Kasorazbiva4a
ronni3264 ronni3264
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
tragically great. (although, the copter seems somewhat small in scale compared to the people.)
blue_lurker blue_lurker
nice chop, but I do agree with Feral the Help looks a little small. still a very good chop well done.
Serps Serps
nice work
supak0ma supak0ma
the chopper is too small, and there wasnt any chopper in WW2! lol ;)
Lady Croft Lady Croft
oops forgot ta vote sry.
zetspat zetspat
All in all- good chop...but I tend to agree with the point claudiolky was trying to make--- Sugiro vc tirar o símbolo nazista. Isso pode dar merda. I must admit, I don't know what it means, but it sounds sensible. ;)
deshone deshone
fempie fempie
nyxxie nyxxie
billtvshow billtvshow
wow, what a chop
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
sosumi sosumi
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
pretty neat arc
Dside666 Dside666
sage sage
good work, arc...i think, though, that the light should have a focus point. The ray just seems to disappear...maybe make the contact point of the ray and the people even brighter...does that make sense? anyway, you depicted the desolation very well.
Wett Wett
Cynn Cynn
YerPalAl YerPalAl
ScionShade ScionShade
Hey , could you guys stop freaking out? So ONE person found it a bit disagreeable, so what? Nice Chop, VERY NICE CHOP! Dissention is a free expression of art also. Arcaico-You did a great job of defending your own position, I wish more folks would speak for themselves ;-) Right YPA?
splodge splodge


claudiolky claudiolky
Caro amigo. Sugiro vc tirar o símbolo nazista. Isso pode dar merda.
arcaico arcaico
Yeah... you guys are funny... one mention of nazism, and "no, I won't vote for it..." "but is it a good chop??" "who cares??? it's nazi!!!!" Hmmmm... weird... desh tried to warn me, but I told him nobody would think like that... too bad... I like this c
arcaico arcaico
claudiolky, nao vou tirar porra nenhuma... isso faz parte da história meu amigo... e nao vejo nada de mais nisso... vc ao menos poderia ter votado, já que o que está sendo julgado aqui é a qualidade da montagem, e nao o tema... senti-me ofendido e discrim
arcaico arcaico
nada a ver fotart... só achei foda a galera discriminar a imagem pelo tema... eu sou descendente de polonês claudio, e nem por isso fico ofendido com o tema... foi algo que aconteceu, e que abominamos, mas não podemos negar que é parte da história...
YerPalAl YerPalAl
I feel there is a definite difference between depicting history and extolling an evil. I stand with Arcaico in his opinion of what he has done. It is a good chop and should be judged on that basis.
arcaico arcaico
thanks Al. ;)
ronni3264 ronni3264
I`m probably opening a HUGE can of worms her, but If I may add my 2 cents worth,The feeling that I got from this was someone trying to convey the struggle of the Jews through art...I actually thought it was poetic...I don`t see how it , in ANY way, glamou
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
really, is this even an issue? It's tied for 4th as of this writing, so it doesn't seem too many people aren't voting for it.
Lady Croft Lady Croft
It's all about the well is this done EXCELLENT WORK!
arcaico arcaico
Feral, I wrote my statement at midday (brazil time)... and it had 4 votes and 1 comment on the nazi issue...
arcaico arcaico
now there is Supa... ;)
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Actually Supa, there were at least three copters. 2 German and one U.S. (the U.S. one just entering service.) This, of course, is not any of them.
Alex Alex
Agree with Al... But there was no flying guitar, and there is still no flying guitar BTW. I'm not referencing to anything. I just wanted you to know supa. ;)
supak0ma supak0ma
must be a secret nazi weapon ;)
supak0ma supak0ma
ahah! al, i know there were some copters but those kind with no windshield lol
Lady Croft Lady Croft
oops forgot ta vote sry.
arcaico arcaico
zet... it means "I suggest you to take off the nazi symbol. It may cause shit."
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
or, as Babelfish says, "I suggest vc to take off the symbol nazista. This can give excrement."
arcaico arcaico
"Adolf Hitler is still alive... I slept with her last night... come on from behind that false moustache Adolf, I know you're in there... " - James Douglas Morrison -- from The Doors Box Set - disc 3 - The Future Ain't the Same
arcaico arcaico
sorry... The Furure Ain't What it Used to Be --- p.s. I'll find my frog :D

 Coast Guard Chopper
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 [untitled entry]
by arcaico
Created April 28, 2005
34 votes   20 comments
550w x 424h (74KB)

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