In for, yet another, eXtreme maKeover. |
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Vunt, not so sure what you are saying there? thanks for the vote though...
vunt van pumununt
switching 'e' & 'ai' would spell raiper, which sounds like raper, what your contraption looks like; a moondoll raper... hmmm, i'm getting associations with moonraker now ... ok, i'll shut up again. :)
vunt van pumununt
is it weird getting these sexual association with a doll? it can't be that sick seeing she's naked, and well rounded with ... DOH! ... shutting up again...
vunt van pumununt
is it weird getting these sexual association with a doll? it can't be that sick seeing she's naked, and well rounded with ... DOH! ... shutting up again...
vunt van pumununt
did i just submit that twice? ... what would Freud say? right... shut up.
i understand now vunt, and you are right! twice is a little Freudian for a doll... ; >
[untitled entry]
by demasiadoman
Created April 29, 2005
16 votes
475w x 357h (45KB)
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