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Photoshop Contest Entry #78591

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JoePhila JoePhila
Prince Laurent Prince Laurent
Pooooooooooooor Anfa, Serps & Claf !!! Idea, Matt ! :-)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
dupe you mental but i like the honesty lol nice work bro
Lord David Lord David
nice one!
claudiolky claudiolky
good job...great result
lyaudaine lyaudaine
I like this one !
Patre Patre
Funny, but there has got to be another way-did we try diplomacy?
anfa anfa
So you'll quite happily shoot us in the back? Damn Frenchmen! ;)
Serps Serps
Agree with anfa :D
NDKnight07 NDKnight07
nitrusuicide nitrusuicide
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
Hehe, even the victims are voting on this one. Vote !!! :D
st1n3r st1n3r
Claf Claf
Oh my god! No no no no no!!! Dont kill me!... ...Hey, that skirt fits enough well on me... mmm... I think I'll go shopping!... ...O.K. Shoot me! If it can make you feel good! But dont touch to my wife!!! :D
Powershot1973 Powershot1973
Dside666 Dside666
gravityx9 gravityx9
very nice
ReinMan ReinMan
strange killing spree vote
Cambria Cambria
Truly evil but fun! you've got my vote!
Chukn8r Chukn8r
the renals the renals
strange pic but good
seamusoisin seamusoisin
zookeeper193 zookeeper193
yomar yomar
Synthvet Synthvet
very clever, but nothing personal vote.
Robaccomando Robaccomando
Wett Wett
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Internet cafe speed vote...(Only got 15 minutes )...sweet ya nut, nice work and great idea...just another shot at Anfa...
Alex Alex
Hahaha... Nice one!
sage sage
HAHA! you forgot Alex ;)
Lrossa Lrossa
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
haha! great sollution ;)


theduplicate theduplicate
it's not my fault if you leave while running !!!! he he :)
anfa anfa
Hey! I can't remember wearing a skirt! That type of thing is just for transvestites and haggis yafflers!
ReinMan ReinMan
"Haggis Yafflers!" ROFL!

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 [untitled entry]
by theduplicate
Created June 25, 2005
32 votes   3 comments
550w x 412h (71KB)

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