4 externals; blood, axe, cracks and the background. Hehe, the rest is just some choppin arround ;) check here the bigsize: [img] i11.photobucket.com... |
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damn... Here's something to all our young fellas out there! Have a nice nightmare! Marco sent you some brushes or what?
ha! No actualy Marco didn`t sent me some brushes, I did it all by my self. And btw indeed marco did a couple of this, So? Youre never get inspired by others and use some technicks in your entries Alex? and who stipulate`s what I post on psc....thats me :P
btw no offense Alex :) im dutch so maybe I didn`t understand it well.
Relax buddy. The gore is a Marco trademark. That's not to say nobody else can or will use it but if you do post a slasher image here, people are going to think Marco.
Feral Hamster
alex is right. there's entirely too much blood and gore on psc. however, anal lube is just fine. oh wait, the rolling-eye smiley doesn't work here...
I just wanted to try this. And its not just some blood and gore adding in this picture I think, its just some extra detail. Hopefully I didn`t scared people away, before they could see the other changes. :)
Vlad talked for me... You can chop what you want. THAT, makes me think about marco's work. I could have love this, but I don't. No effense. I love all your previous posts. And Fecal, I sense a bit of sarcasm. What's wrong with lube? ;)
You'll say, what's wrong with blood? Absolutely nothing. Everything's fine. BTW, the blood on the shirt looks like spaghetti sauce or ketchup...
hehe, yes its digital blood...ketchup! :) My next entry is more original I guess, thanx for the comments and votes all!
by <senzotaku>
Created March 06, 2006
24 votes
550w x 600h (120KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
0 |
execution |
3 |
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0 |
idea |
1 |
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0 |
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