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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Ext user profile - Reply to topic


Location: Probably in front of a computer.

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:01 pm   Reply with quote         

It doesn't say anything about the extended user profile in the help page. I assumed it was for those with advantage. But, now, out of the blue, I have the option to write my favorite quote and movie. Iv'e seen pages like Micose and Marco with a long list of questions. Will I be getting more as well? Why did I get the ones I have now? Confused
(By the way, my DannyD avatar blinks now. Very Happy )

EEDOBABA lives on.�

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:10 pm   Reply with quote         

padfoot7726 wrote:
It doesn't say anything about the extended user profile in the help page. I assumed it was for those with advantage. But, now, out of the blue, I have the option to write my favorite quote and movie. Iv'e seen pages like Micose and Marco with a long list of questions. Will I be getting more as well? Why did I get the ones I have now? Confused
(By the way, my DannyD avatar blinks now. Very Happy )

This might be helpful (scroll down a bit for explanations for user profiles)
Expanded User Profiles
There are now levels of user profiles that you will earn by collecting enough votes and contest victories. In addition to the standard user profile, here are the other options that you can unlock:

250 total votes

* Birth Date
* Favorite Quote
* Favorite Movie

500 total votes or 2 contest win

* Favorite Books
* Favorite Bands
* Favorite Songs
* Favorite Photoshop Tool

2500 total votes or 5 contest wins

* Extensive 38 Question Chopper Profile Interview

I used to do stuff around here

Location: Probably in front of a computer.

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:18 pm   Reply with quote         

Thanks Grefix, that helped a lot. Smile

EEDOBABA lives on.�
Site Moderator

Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:26 pm   Reply with quote         

Photoshop Contest wrote:
In addition, ads will not appear for advantage members.

Ha. Am I missing something? I still see all the ads I saw before except for the whole page ad I saw a week or two before becoming advantage. The ads on the home page were just moved down to make room for the advantage calendar.


Location: Tacoma, WA since march 2010, born and raised in Belgium

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:35 pm   Reply with quote         

woehoew!!! 6 more votes and i'm there cheers


Location: Tacoma, WA since march 2010, born and raised in Belgium

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:36 pm   Reply with quote         

TutorMe wrote:
Photoshop Contest wrote:
In addition, ads will not appear for advantage members.

Ha. Am I missing something? I still see all the ads I saw before except for the whole page ad I saw a week or two before becoming advantage. The ads on the home page were just moved down to make room for the advantage calendar.

true..i even have pop ups now and then...more then then now but still ...

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:01 pm   Reply with quote         

yes that's true tutorme... used to have these whacky ads with these moving jaws that were actually quite humorous. Now I can't remember wtf they were selling so as an ad maybe werent too sucessful but I remember the jaws that moved. And heck now they are gone... sad.
But that tribalfusion hell is still here.!!!!!! grrrr

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:03 pm   Reply with quote         

When are you going to dress Danny up for Halloween? Very Happy


Location: Probably in front of a computer.

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:49 pm   Reply with quote         

manic_d wrote:
When are you going to dress Danny up for Halloween? Very Happy

I just did!

EEDOBABA lives on.�

Location: Northern California

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:20 am   Reply with quote         

TutorMe wrote:
Photoshop Contest wrote:
In addition, ads will not appear for advantage members.

Ha. Am I missing something? I still see all the ads I saw before except for the whole page ad I saw a week or two before becoming advantage. The ads on the home page were just moved down to make room for the advantage calendar.

I like the ads... they make this place shine.


Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Ext user profile - Reply to topic

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