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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Assumptions? etc. - Reply to topic

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Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:06 pm   Reply with quote         

" when you assume you make an ASS out of U and Me "-Felix Ungar


Location: Head Up Hwy 613 Turn left at the goats.

Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:19 pm   Reply with quote         

You make good sense rumple. Totally agree. No voting 1st day would stop the voting orgasms of the 1st hour.

I never said that!

Location: Back down-under Site Sponge: YES!

Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:02 pm   Reply with quote         

You're assuming that "some people" make a lot of assumptions.

Assuming that is true, maybe you have a point... but it's a big assumption.


Location: California Choppin'

Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:14 pm   Reply with quote         

MommysBoy wrote:
You make good sense rumple. Totally agree. No voting 1st day would stop the voting orgasms of the 1st hour.

If you're looking for the reason your posts aren't getting many votes, look no further than the posts themselves. I think you'd be taken considerably more seriously if you'd drop the gimmickry and submit some serious entries. Until your recent comments in discussions like these, I'd been assuming you're somebody's idea of a gag account. Now, there is nothing wrong with a gag account--it's lots of fun. But I think it's unreasonable to expect that account to contend, and any complaints about lack of votes seem disingenuous at best.



Location: No longer PSC

Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:41 pm   Reply with quote         

rumple wrote:
I have found that assumptions cause many problems here.

People assume that because you are new, that you've never had an experience.
They also assume that if you do a good post, that somehow it must be cheating. Some people also assume that when they see a new technique that it is cheating with filters, etc.

Some people assume that you have to vote for the pics with the most votes. This is ridiculous. If you don't like it don't vote. If it pleases you in whatever way, vote and say why if you are so inclined to comment.

I've had people vote almost " I can't help it, I have to vote for this,"
or " sorry, I have to vote for this!" Who are you apologizing to? Is it a commie plot?
Why would someone have to apologize in the first place ?

I've spent hours on some pics and used up to 8 sources and gotten 3 votes. The pic was
worth more, but someone maybe assumed something??? what??? It wasn't that bad!

Voting: in my opinion, and I've heard it before, no one should be allowed to vote until
24 hrs. after the opening of that contest. Votes should not be lowered from 25; they should just be used more wisely.

Never assume anything; if you're not sure, the polite thing to do would be to ask the author. Then decide if you will vote. What goes around ...


AAAH Rumble.... alot of people here are terminally cranky, suspicious and rude..... ignore them

bye bye

Location: Head Up Hwy 613 Turn left at the goats.

Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:36 pm   Reply with quote         

Cynn, rumple is right again. I am not complaining about not getting votes. I understand that. I look at the entries every day even though I don't post. I am amazed by the voting. To be honest, it's very similar to the stock market. There are timed patterns. After open, the voting frenzy starts. It seems like a race to get rid of votes. There seems to be too much emotion in the moment and people can't stop. Delaying voting would give people time to look at all the entries. This is not about advantage. I don't think delayed voting would hurt advantage users. It's not taking away from them. It like when you work on something for hours and think it looks great, you get up and do something for a while, come back and it doesn't look as good anymore.

I never said that!

Location: California Choppin'

Post Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:07 am   Reply with quote         

rumple wrote:
Cynn, no one is crying about not getting votes. It would be nice to find a solution to the BS that has been happening around here and has been happening since I came here a few months back. It's the same old story! And responses like yours and Fugue's are not constructive.

What BS? Those of us who have joined since the site was revised are just scratching our heads and wondering what we have done to offend you people so violently. We are just doing our best. If you don't like our posts, then by all means, don't vote for them. But this continued piss-and-moan-athon on the forums is just depressing.

If it's your intention to drive new members away, then by all means, continue with the diatribes.



Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:16 am   Reply with quote         

I reall am trying to see thrings through the eyes
of folks I do not always agree with.
BUT i just can NOT get past the fact that the folks who absolutely detest any negative,
or confrontational subjects being on the board ALWAYS respond to those the negative and confrontational
comments that they seem to hate so much WITH negative
and confrontational responses which only serve
to continue that SAME negative and confrontational atmosphere,
in fact- not only do they give it life to continue on but they feed it to GROW.
I find this behavior mind boggling, confusing,
negative, and confrontational.
having taken so much of the blame for this kind of atmosphere in the past and
then avoiding forums JUST to prove that my presence has no effect on this
situation (IE: I haven't been around for three weeks and as before- it's only gotten worse in my absence) I have a simple request- If anyone finds a post to be confrontational,
inflammatory or too aggressive, IGNORE IT----no response is the only way to kill it.
Just MHO Very Happy


Location: Head Up Hwy 613 Turn left at the goats.

Post Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:53 am   Reply with quote         

Cynn, I wanted to let you know, I have a fan club too. You may use my image in the place of reinmans. Mine's not quite as flashy as his is yet but I'm still working on it. Anyone else that wants to join, just use this in your signature.

I never said that!

Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:08 am   Reply with quote         

Rumple I certainly never had You in mind
in any way when I wrote that--
I have never known you to be hypocritivcal in forums
at all and see nothing to disagree with you about here.
I don't think yer whining at all,
the forums are here for this purose, are they not?
Very Happy
As far as the delay idea goes, it sound good to me, except
even if it worked there'd be some other form of unfairness
to deal with--there just always is--like, if
the votes went back from twenty five per day to just a few--
well then far more votes would be limited to friend voting--
stuff like that-- absolute fairness when dealing
with this many people is just not gonna happen BUT
I certainly feel that Right NOW we are at the
highest level of fairness or at least at the
most level playing field I have seen since joining PSC.


Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:15 am   Reply with quote         

rumple wrote:

Someone can construct and criticize all they want, but when they are rude to me
or someone else, I'm not going to ignore it.

AMEN, I'm behind that 100% :-I


Location: No longer PSC

Post Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:02 am   Reply with quote         

and the award for using the phrase negative, and confrontational the most times ever in the history of the world in one statement goes to SCION!!!!!


not trying to be negative, and confrontational here....

bye bye

Location: California Choppin'

Post Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:38 am   Reply with quote         

MommysBoy wrote:
Cynn, I wanted to let you know, I have a fan club too. You may use my image in the place of reinmans. Mine's not quite as flashy as his is yet but I'm still working on it. Anyone else that wants to join, just use this in your signature.

That's the spirit. I love it.



Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:19 pm   Reply with quote         

To all readers, new and old (in stature, age and membership):

This is what almost sank PSC last time (before current revision) - we start using our creative minds to critisize (i cant spel bye the wai) and TRY TO BE RIGHT on the threads, instead of using them to CHOP. That is what this is about here. CHOP CHOP CHOP. Take an image and DO SOMETHING WITH IT.

The forums were (i imagine) set up so we can inspire and creatively help one another. We are all forgetting that spending time BEING RIGHT about something is time spent NOT CHOPPING - which, I seem to remember, is what we are all here to enjoy seeing/doing.

At the risk of making the complainers WRONG and at the risk of complaining about the COMPLAINERS - we need to CHOP CHOP CHOP.

Creative Minds Unleashed. It says that right up there in the upper right corner of this site. You can look up there at it now.... its in FRONT OF YOUR EYES. It saddens me to think that the world can look at this site and the best example of CREATIVE MINDS UNLEASHED is a bunch of BICKERING.

I know I'm one of the "silly ones" around here, but my heart is VERY STRONGLY SUPPORTIVE of CREATIVETY. That means BUILDING SOMETHING, not TAKING IT APART.

In the end, this is a "free" site mostly. Like the world, in the end it is up to each of us as individuals to manage for Good or Bad. Making someone feel shitty isn't what I've come to understand as GOOD behavior. Making people laugh, or think deeper about themselves seems, in my mind, to be GOOD behavior. That's my commitment here. You can have your own commitment. In spite of people with other commitments.

In the end, CHOP CHOP CHOP.... everything else is goofing off from what we are all here to celebrate: PhotoShopContest - Creative Minds Unleashed.

-----thanks for listening, I've got to go practice my accordion chops now!---
Reinier deSmit

P.S. MommysBoy - I'd join your club, but I've got a contract.... sorry bout that! Wink


Location: Florida

Post Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:26 pm   Reply with quote         

Reinman,That is probably one of the most thoughtful, sensible, and wise posts that I have seen in this forum since I joined!!! Amen Reinman!!! Bow

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