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Napalm32 Napalm32
Huubbbb Huubbbb
Tesore Tesore
TheShaman TheShaman
mellowdesign mellowdesign
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
Should have called it "The Old Goat" Love it!
AustrianBB2 AustrianBB2
well thats awesome!!
Dechene Dechene
that is one disgusting animal but a genius display of photoshop skills & creativity. When I grow up, I wanna be a Claf.
CarlC CarlC
420 tie in
ReyRey ReyRey
The Goat man Rocks!!!! Up at the top of the smoke there is a white blob in the background. It disturbs the design. I might lose it. Besides that the work is stellar!!
Sjitske Sjitske
Love it!!
Tommeken Tommeken
neurotoxic neurotoxic
Hagen Hagen
One word for that one Claf...! AWSOME...! What a superb execution, neat render, wonderful lighting work... Just perfect to me...! Well done...! En français : UN TRUC DE MALADE...! +1
DaVinci DaVinci
Great as always!
supak0ma supak0ma
super claftacular!!!
vokaris vokaris
malnsk malnsk
annajon annajon
Wow Claf, this is great!
oh dude! this is awesome!
Rangizzz Rangizzz
This is perfect. Congrats.
volkswes volkswes
Mel47 Mel47
NButler NButler
mikey mikey
nuff said! ~ tops! :)
Sanctuary Sanctuary
mawaho mawaho
billtvshow billtvshow
Good God.
Trann Trann
Anthropomorphism. +1
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
rashdog rashdog
excellent! :)
bogonet bogonet
Starman Starman
My hero's kurt cobain john lennon jimi hendrix Claf
j58roldan j58roldan
Heinlein Heinlein
Sensational! Details are exceptional! Faved!
Eve Eve
Whoa! That's wild!
buglover buglover
great exe of idea!
Patre Patre
Prince Laurent Prince Laurent
Pour une pareille, je passe voter, Claude ! That's choppin' ! ;-)
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
anabe anabe
thbeghin thbeghin
tadams tadams
Well, hello there! Really cool image. What about a bit of warm glow on the pipe tobacco?
glennhanna glennhanna
love it
Designed2522 Designed2522
FAV'D this is the nices chop i have seen in a long time!!! great work and coloring!!!
Billywillgo Billywillgo
seelcraft seelcraft
Huni Huni
robertmhardesty robertmhardesty
Wiz Wiz
"Jeez Claf, you cut that one fine, I'm almost out of votes for chrissake! Nice one Bud!"
Doc_isme Doc_isme
rett435 rett435
can't take my eyes off it. Awesome
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Jake420 Jake420
Whats in that pipe gramps ?Awesome chop as always !
dewking dewking
nat_g31 nat_g31
Such a great image Claude! How long did this take you? Love the blurred background to give the goat that extra pop! Congrats on the win in advance my friend!
Gort Gort
Knocked-me-outta-my-chair good! The details are super and fun to pour over. Eyes are so good they're almost creepy! Favd
bogsy bogsy
rockymike rockymike
You're so awesome at what you do.
Michel Michel
It's so fugly! It actually looks like one of my co-worker, it's just missing the baseball cap! I'm not sure I even want to know what your sources were.
Ammorio Ammorio
paulfdes paulfdes
mihai_myxz mihai_myxz
UntExp UntExp
seamusoisin seamusoisin
pollyO pollyO
Mid Mid
gravyboat gravyboat
Geez...trop drole, retard. Wtg. :D
badcop badcop
I just saw the layered file. God help us all.
Azionite Azionite
dwebb dwebb
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
it's all been said mate. fav'd
Mir Mir
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Isn't that Shaman's leprechaun pipe?
Billybabs Billybabs
Chopper Chopper
pjsev pjsev
Good one, and congrats on the obvious win!!! :)
nevet nevet
hehe those ears are funny
Granulated Granulated
ahhhhh you didnt let us down....beautiful
Martrex Martrex
cafn8d cafn8d
Very cool... Zynga should use your design help with new FarmVille critters. ;)
ReinMan ReinMan
you need my vote like you need another hole in your head. (you got enough ideas leaking out of the holes you ALREADY have in your head, dude! LOL!)
bsoholic bsoholic
soulrock soulrock
Boden Boden
marcoballistic marcoballistic
sweet genius
spikelmalo spikelmalo
Micose Micose
pakimo pakimo
the burning couch the burning couch
It's all been said*!
nancers nancers
How can I not
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Can't add to what has already been expressed...a vote to the best of the best!
MonkeeDrummer MonkeeDrummer
WOW O_O Amazing...
L@rue L@rue
daKimmer daKimmer
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Simply terrific!
kittie kittie
Wow, 100 votes. This is crazy :)


ReyRey ReyRey
I know that white blur used to be a goat but now it's nothing. I would not change it now. After the contest. Or leave it. It's just my opinion.
Sjitske Sjitske
agree with rey makes the smoke stand out better :)
Claf Claf
Updated! Thanks RR & Thijs! :)
supak0ma supak0ma
you are human, after all...;)
ReyRey ReyRey
ReyRey ReyRey
Billywillgo Billywillgo
Seeing such well done ideas as this make me want to quit!:)
Claf Claf
Nathan, I don't know exactly... I worked the last 10 days on it... a little everyday. Surely more than 10 hours... probably under 20 hours. :)
Claf Claf
I'll prepare to share the PSD file... just need a good clean-up to make it comprehensible. Thanks!
billtvshow billtvshow
I'm still all giddy about this.
Boden Boden
Great job!! The More I learn about Photoshop the Less I know about Photos!! Blowing my Mind what Can be Done to Photos!!!!
Claf Claf
PSD file added. Thanks again! :-)
Salvezza Salvezza
sorry..I just ran out of votes, great job Claf.
supak0ma supak0ma
the psd is amazing, where do you get those great photos? photog friends? ;)
Claf Claf
Supa, those pictures were from a casting for a job I worked on. The fact that the final result have practically no more resemblance with the old man, I thought I can use it.
supak0ma supak0ma
dude! i didn't mean to de-mean your work! it's amazing, just those photos you used were very good :P
Claf Claf
No no... maybe my bad English again... I meant by this that I'm not supposed to use a picture of a man from a casting for professional use without authorization... but in that case, because of the major transformation, I don't see any problem. Cheers! :
Claf Claf
I'm not sure Tofu, but it looks like that. :)
Hagen Hagen
Where's the 100th vote...? Come on guys this work well deserves it...! Ahahah...! Still amazed by it Claf...! Come to see it everday...! ^.^
YerPalAl YerPalAl
An even 100! Way to go mooseboy!
Tesore Tesore
100!!! Congrats :-)
bogonet bogonet
Great work sir! Congratulations!!! merveilleux ;)
Wiz Wiz
"Well Done Claf, it was the best entry by far, a deserved win if there ever was one!
TheShaman TheShaman
grats Claf. You are the man when it comes to reunion contests!
supak0ma supak0ma
100 times congrats :) awesome stuff
DaVinci DaVinci
Wow! 100 votes, very nice Claf...congrats!
DaVinci DaVinci
PS: You win "Billy" the goat, I will send him by FedEx this weekend ;)
pakimo pakimo
Congrats :)
AustrianBB2 AustrianBB2
congrats claf! u r the BEST!
mellowdesign mellowdesign
Nice win! x
Doc_isme Doc_isme
seelcraft seelcraft
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Congrats, Claf!
Very cool! Congrats!!!!!!
neurotoxic neurotoxic
Congrats claf, and thanks for sharing the psd file. It'll definitely help a newb like myself.
Heinlein Heinlein
Congrats Claf! You are officially the Photoshop King :)
Heinlein Heinlein
Congrats Claf! You are officially the Photoshop King :)
ReyRey ReyRey
100!!! A nice round number! Great work Claude
Starman Starman
Claf Claf
Thank you all for your comments & votes. :-)
Claf Claf
Thanks a lot DaVinci for the nice source... and for Billy! I can wait to see this goat... I'm tired to cut the grass in my backyard... Billy will be very useful! :P
Claf Claf
... and special thanks to kittie for the #100 vote! :D
anfa anfa
Congrats brother! Great stuff!!! :D
anfa anfa
Hey, I've just noticed my vote didn't count. Should be 101.
anabe anabe
Congratulations, outstanding work!!!
m0nk m0nk
Congrats...Forget to vote,sorry!!!
MonkeeDrummer MonkeeDrummer
Congrats! and fav'd :D
Sjitske Sjitske
Big congratz Claude!!! ;) Really love this and well deserved!
Claf Claf
Thanks Tony, Thijs and the others! I appreciate. :)
daKimmer daKimmer
bsoholic bsoholic
Congrats! :)
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
grats dude!
Claf Claf
Thanks again!
Dechene Dechene
awesome man, congratulations! you need to enter more comps to show people how it's done!
buglover buglover
Gratz to the reunion crown!
Procyon Procyon
Wonderful chop! Congrats on winning.
Starman Starman
had to come back to see this again ;) so good
brokenlemonfish brokenlemonfish
Mallika Jain Mallika Jain
good work
angelina angelina
cooooool and funny!!! angelina
johndownunder johndownunder
This is without a doubt the best chop i have ever seen it's truly inspirational

 2010 Spring Reunion Contest
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by Claf
Created April 20, 2010
100 votes   61 comments
1037w x 960h (344KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  2
execution  46
humor  2
idea  0
theme  0

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