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Scary Sheep
Scary Sheep
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Mel47 Mel47
nicely done
Carrignafoy Carrignafoy
annajon annajon
rohanpujaris rohanpujaris
gramps gramps
charliesou charliesou
I'd love to see the sheepdog ..
NButler NButler
jec0620 jec0620
sacredbunny sacredbunny
Physco sheep, get them round here too!!!
papavales papavales
bourbon bourbon
anabe anabe
acire111 acire111
Lol,I'd love you to train my sheep:-)
Griek Griek
A '17 comments-vote' And I like it too!
Martrex Martrex
dwebb dwebb
Tesore Tesore
They see the wolf?
pjsev pjsev
Let me guess, the mouth is the ext? LOL...
BSmatic BSmatic


kinetic_be kinetic_be
Where are their upperlips? :-)
johndownunder johndownunder
@Kinetic_be I transformed the faces of the Sheep to look aggressive.Wild animals when bearing their teeth retract and tighten their upper lips in the process.The only important factor in this comp is that we both voted for Wooly Threesome the best in show
kinetic_be kinetic_be
I know, but you got to have a contrast. There is no contrast between upper teeth and hairs. Some shade, or stretched skin makes it more realistic. You know what I mean?
johndownunder johndownunder
@ Kinetic_be Re your comment that contrast between teeth and skin and the appearance of streched skin would make the image more realistic.Suggest you look at the close up of my entry uploaded which shows all the features you apparently cant see.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Alright John, it's fantastic.
johndownunder johndownunder
@Kinetic_be Sorry i cant agree: Wooly Threesome deserves to be called a fantastic image my Scary Sheep however is 2nd rate in comparison and does'nt deserve so generous a comment.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
I'll stop commenting after this. This is what I ment about the lips. [img]
johndownunder johndownunder
If Art were judged on it's worth by complying with rules we would never have seen the work of Dali Picasso and many others.As for my pic it's my Art and i dont limit my creativity by abiding by rules.You people like it OK if they dont thats OK to
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Rules? Im not talking about rules. From the emails we exchanged, you told me you were here to learn, that you liked comments to improve. I thought you wanted to be able to approach realism in your works so thats why i always comment on your works
kinetic_be kinetic_be
And thats besicly because I care, want to help. I now know you do not want to be helped, and that's fineby me so good luck with your comps.
johndownunder johndownunder
@Kinetic_be My reply Part 1 Marcel let me remind you of what i have said to you and also stated in comments many times.When i upload an image i want it to succeed or fail on it's Artistic merit as my own work.At various times people offer me advice.
johndownunder johndownunder
@Kinetic_be Part 2 That advice relates to improving my pic.I make a point never to apply that advice and change my pics as such advice could assist me to have my pic improved because i have recieved assistance from another member.
johndownunder johndownunder
@Kinetic_be Part 3 I have a personal belief that accepting assistance that could see me gain votes would see me recieve an unfair advantage in competition against other members who have not recieved such advice or assistance.I have no desire to do that.
johndownunder johndownunder
@Kinetic_be Part 4 As far as the comp is concerned there are many people involved including past members no longer competing who are more talented than i and i am learning all the time.As a member i am here to enjoy the creative process doing my pics.
johndownunder johndownunder
@Kinetic_be As i have stated to yourself and others i could care less about winning any comps i am involved just to do my art to the best of my ability and enjoy the art of other members in the process.It would seem you are not happy that i did'nt correc
johndownunder johndownunder
@Kinetic_be What you saw to be a flaw in my Scary Sheep image.As i have stated it was my own artistic interpretation and you should just respect my right to present my own work without accepting assistance that i consider unfair to other members.Chill out
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Whatever makes you happy John, its all fine by me.
johndownunder johndownunder
@pjsev Mouth was taken from a pic of a Cougar.This pic was designed to be funny because i figured if Sheep looked like that nobody would be game to shear one and lamb chops would be off the menu forever.As for wolves they would be going hungry as well.

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 Scary Sheep
by johndownunder
Created August 25, 2011
19 votes   18 comments
1250w x 938h (257KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  0
humor  2
idea  4
theme  0

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