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Pushpin Ant
Pushpin Ant
Source + External background image used as reference to build on.I take no credit for shadows within the image. [img]

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charliesou charliesou
The shadows are outstanding ! (so are The Hollies) ! lol
seelcraft seelcraft
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Very nice done johndownunder.;-)
Meta Version Meta Version
Cool cucumbers
annajon annajon
Griek Griek
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Your best work so far, John. Well done!
supak0ma supak0ma
Designed2522 Designed2522
nice work!!!
sacredbunny sacredbunny
I ANTicipate good things here :} Very nice Sir
NButler NButler
Zoeon Zoeon
very good, john
the burning couch the burning couch
atsa Real Good'n*!
anabe anabe
terrific, great shadows!
billtvshow billtvshow
The shadow was from the background source, but you did a very nice job applying the source onto the body. It's a bit blurrier than it should be, but I agree one of your better ones.
jcfreak6363 jcfreak6363
visionsofyesterday visionsofyesterday
Bitcraft Bitcraft
gramps gramps
jaw2785 jaw2785
Wow Dude... I had an entry but I'm flushing it. Amazing.
Martrex Martrex
Heinlein Heinlein
Yes! My type of chop :)
Dream_weaver Dream_weaver
Nice one, a winner for sure I think.
izzy999 izzy999
Mel47 Mel47
jec0620 jec0620
i think this is your best yet...this is great work
UntExp UntExp
acire111 acire111
So cool,great shadow play!
rohanpujaris rohanpujaris
jasper jasper
well done! WINNER!
papavales papavales
still deserves 1st place
Carrignafoy Carrignafoy
xyloz xyloz
This is easy the winrar
Sh!Za Sh!Za
#wow what a traffic :D very nice image and shadow work john! one thing, at the end of the feets the shadow wont be brighter, it will be darker! anyway good job!
Tesore Tesore
betdoval betdoval
body work is great :)
roger1 roger1
Well done!
digimagicnb digimagicnb
Govan Govan
monoonor monoonor
dwebb dwebb
rose-wood71 rose-wood71


ShootHerman ShootHerman
This is a winner!
kinetic_be kinetic_be
I must say I'm impressed. The bending of the feet (puppet warp?) and the shadows.. The shadows are not correct, but I'm not an expert myself, so blah :-), the blurring of for- and background... Would you be so kind to share the PSD?
the burning couch the burning couch
That shadow (foreground ant) looks great. My only nit-pick : I wish the ant's body was darker or a slightly different color, so it'd stand out more*!*
kinetic_be kinetic_be
With background, I understood the sand, I thought the source was used to build the entire spider. My bad. Anyway, winner :-)
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Forgive me to use your thread as discussion-ground, but it's not allowed to discuss open contests outside this window yet. I don't understand it's shadow. If it's from the source, does light comes from 11 'o clock?
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Just wondering, for my own learnings. I suck at shadows, but that's just because I don't understand them yet.
charliesou charliesou
Whats with the picky shadow comments ? I watched the moon landings in 69 and never even thought about shadows. Now, 40 odd years later, with my choppers eye, I see that they are just a wee bit off . But that does'nt make it a bad chop..sorry, movie.
bourbon bourbon
That is very cool!
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Im not trying to look for wrong shadows, im trying to understand WHY the shadows are casted this way. I find it an interesting thing to discuss and learn and a topic thats too underestimated in PS.
vokaris vokaris
You can't really call it an "source + external background", more like "built on top of a reference image" and link to the source [img]
Meta Version Meta Version
John, for me - the most impressive part of your image is - the shadow via the front subject. Clearly, the shadow is from your source image. Therefore, not your own work. As a 2 month old...
Meta Version Meta Version
newbie, I'd suggest that in future, you always attach links to your externals. This way, you're not misleading anyone. And also, no older members can then try and catch you out, because I should..
Meta Version Meta Version
imagine it could get somewhat embarrassing. If you know what I'm saying! If it's not yours, then just mention it, dude ;)
Heinlein Heinlein
Meta Version Meta Version
Otherwise, John - the chop is cool, cool, cool. That's why I voted for it. I hope you don't mind my honest commentary! Thanks ;)
charliesou charliesou
After thorough investigation, I can confirm that no Austrailian has ever been to the moon.. But....
Zoeon Zoeon
WTF is going on here??? replaying of vokaris comment,,,
charliesou charliesou
John..your barred from this pub ! You can still get served in lounge .
johndownunder johndownunder
Hi Guys,Re my pic a background image of an ant was used as a guide for shaping accuracy to assemble my Ant constructed from the pushpin.The shadow is from the original background pic.An additional copy of my Ant was added to the background for depth.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
John, you should mention this in your description. Most people think you made the entire ant from the source, including shape and shadows...
johndownunder johndownunder
Re this pic my entire focus was the construction of the Ant itself which would be appraised by other members.I obviously made a mistake not being more specific re the background image used and my apologies for that. As a learner i make mistakes.
johndownunder johndownunder
@kinetic_be Hi Marcel my Ant body was made entirely from the Pushpin source pic with the pin bent and manipulated to construct the legs. The background image was used only for shaping.Go real large and look at the detail.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
I know John, I saw the original source. It's well done, just mention your background + original ant in your description to avoid confusion :-)
sacredbunny sacredbunny
Ignoring the hulabaloo, As they say in certain circles 'This is still good sh1t'
johndownunder johndownunder
Hi Guys,As i said to kinetic_be in a recent message i delete all work progress pics before uploading my entry.This is because i have mistakely uploaded unfinished pics by error.I have found the pic on the net used in construction.See title info above.
johndownunder johndownunder
As my final comment it's created some controvesy re shadows in this pic.I thought use of externals to enhance images was OK.Can someone direct me to the area on site governing specific rules re external usage so i can avoid any future mistakes.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
John, I'm sure it's ok, but to avoid misunderstanding, show the externals so people don't start thinking you created everything yourself. It's just etiquette, that's all.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Meh, I'll stop commenting.. I don't want to lecture you or something or create any drama around this :-)
NedStark NedStark
good idea, good execution... just missing the steel pin from the thumb tack, other then that, nice work
NedStark NedStark
show the ant pic, did you transpose the texture from the thumbtack into the ant? that would be a nice addition
NedStark NedStark
sorry just saw the aint pic posted. looks good man, nice idea,
johndownunder johndownunder
@nedstark Approximately 40+ Images of The Steel Pin were formed in to various shapes and different sizes to create the legs of the Ant and four reshaped images of the front of the plastic housing were used to create the body.Go large to view pin detail
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Hey John! Winning or not? You at least got the highest comment number.;-) LOL. You make a lot of cool images. Just keep on the good work. This image is great, but I also agree with the guys about the source thing.
Martrex Martrex
Good Job, saying congrats already!
johndownunder johndownunder
Thanks to everyone for your comments and thanks to the little Ant who drowned himself in my glass of Scotch he gave me the idea for this Pic.
seelcraft seelcraft
Micose Micose
great great work dude... agrre about the shadows....congrats
Heinlein Heinlein
Tesore Tesore
Congrats John ;-)
anabe anabe
big congrats, John!
johndownunder johndownunder
Thank you all appreciate your kind words
acire111 acire111
A brilliant win John,Congrats!
jaw2785 jaw2785
Congratulations on a well deserved win with a sizable number of entries that were very good as well. I just have a question about the ant's shadow...
Nice work on this one John. Congrats!

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 Pushpin Ant
by johndownunder
Created September 14, 2011
44 votes   44 comments
1250w x 850h (67KB)

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